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Silver Tiger Tai Chi Video Topics

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  1.    Click on the Select Topic To Search box and select a major category.  The 2nd search box will open.

  2.    Click on Refine Your Search and select a Subcategory.  The 3rd search box will open.

  3.    Click on Refine Your Selection to scroll to a specific item to open a table with a list of videos that match your search.

  4.    Click an item in the table to view the video.  The video starts at your selected topic. 

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The company was founded in 2012 by brothers Ofer and Dror Becker, who recognized the energy-saving advantages of sunlight but also realized that its health benefits shine brightest. “We understood that energy saving is just the tip of the iceberg,” Ofer Becker tells NoCamels. “In monetary terms, all the experts agree that the wellness benefits are probably around 50 times more valuable than the energy savings.” Solight’s patented technology is installed on rooftops. Its static arrangement of mirrors funnels the sunlight into rooms between the hours of 8am to 4pm, reducing the need for artificial lighting during that time. The Tirat Carmel-based company says the wellness benefits derived from its solution are a boosted circadian rhythm, better concentration and even improved eye health.

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